Property:Sells item 2
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This record property an item sold by a vendor, be it from a set or not. It contains the properties (Sells item, Has minimum item quantity, Has maximum item quantity, Is item HQ).
Tidal Wave Shield (1, ?, false) +
Ultimate Omega Shield (1, ?, false) +
Augmented Vessel (1, ?, false) +
Kite Shield of Ascension (1, ?, false) +
Shield of Divine Light (1, ?, false) +
Asphodelos Shield (1, ?, false) +
Ultimate Shield of the Heavens (1, ?, false) +
Voidvessel Kite Shield (1, ?, false) +
Voidcast Kite Shield (1, ?, false) +
Flamecloaked Scutum (1, ?, false) +
Windswept Shield (1, ?, false) +
Abyssos Shield (1, ?, false) +
Bluefeather Shield (1, ?, false) +
Ultimate Ancile (1, ?, false) +
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Shield (1, ?, false) +
Nightprowler's Targe (1, ?, false) +
Warded Round Shield (1, ?, false) +
Augmented Ironworks Trousers of Fending (1, ?, false) +